NOTICE!!! Geocities is really unreliable and sometimes you won't be able to access my site, or sometimes the links won't work. There is nothing wrong with the site itself, it's because Geocities is messed up; the site will work again if you try again a little later. Maybe I should find a new server. Sorry for the inconvenience. ALSO, I think the quickest way to find news about me is through this page, and that's the quickest way you will be able to find if I updated~8/10...I can't believe it! FINALLY MOVING!!!: Thanks soooooooo much to Bilal from for the free domain-- revolutionhosting rocks!!! And thank you for the other ppl who offered me space--I finally mustered the strength to move from geocities-- I did get fond of Geocities in my own way, though it had so many problems. Anyway, no more annoying ads, no more itsy-bisty bandwidth~~
8/2... MAJOR UPDATE NIGHT~~ YAY!!! TWO new chapters; Chapter 46: Spinner of Cobwebs and Chapter 47: Shredded Fantasy. Explains why it took so long, eh? They were supposed to be one chapter but turned out to be too long. And a pic of Mikai and Miho up too.
Have an Awards page up now. Uh... that's in place of Destination, in the main page. Hehe... I'll really compile a links page, someday. And the Geocities guestbook is up again. Please feel free to sign the Bravenet guestbook--it doesn't cut off entries. (I think)
Couples/Special Relationships Part 2 Page page up finally. Under 'Realizations' in the main menu.
7/24... Fanart site with atlantis forrester's BEAUTIFUL fanart of characters from New Trials~~ Hehe.. I've been meaning to put up her art for ages now, but i'm glad i found a cool site that has it~ thanks to Tenshi Hoshino for telling me about the site~ anyway, while your all waiting for Chapter 46, go enjoy Lantis-chan's art and go ahead and send her e-mails of compliment... My favorite is one is the one of the Fates, though I like them all, esp. kakkoi Syaoran with sunglasses... Hehe..
7/20... GAHHH!!! I passed Syaoran's b-day without even realizing it!!! No!!! Thanks for the fan in the guestbook who mentioned that it was Syaoran's b-day... Thanks for Cynthia Yao for her suggestion on trying to fix my keyboard. My solution was to just use my old keyboard. haha... currently, I'm working on chapter 46 and a special chapter simultaneously, so it's taking some time. Today, I just wanted to clear a few things up from what i have read in the guestbook.
To the angry fan in the guestbook, you do really sound like me. Haha... Yes, I do have a life beyond writing fics; currently, i have internship at a newspaper office, (i even had an article published), so i'm trying to work firsthand on what Miho's experience might be like. I have been working until 10 PM on some days. ^^. will i lose fans? yes maybe because i write so slowly... but if you read my Q/A section under "New Trials," I think my fanfic writing philosophy is written there, and I reiterate, as long as i have one reader, i will write until time or strength or motivation fails me.
As for the fan who said that I ripped off Tanemura Arina's artwork, that pissed me off because I spend a lot of time on my fanart. But besides that point, I'll expand it to a more general manner, so that it can apply to anyone. As an artist and writer, I admit that I do feed off a lot of sources. That's the only way a writer/artist can learn. Some of my favorite mangakas do include CLAMP, Tanemura Arina, Yuu Watase, Obano Miho, and the list can go on. I think I make a lot of referenec to various mangas throughout this fic, so it is pretty easy to figure out that obviously, I get inspiration from them. Same with authors; I like Tamora Pierce (that shows in my fic as one person correctly pointed out), JRR Tolkien, L.M Montgomery, C.S. Lewis, Rowling (I read Harry Potter 5 in six hours~~), Sherwood Smith, Dostoevsky, and the list can go on. One can only grow from learning from the more experienced. Of course other works and ideas can't help sinking in to your ideas, expanding, then becoming your own ideas. Also, I dont' see the necessity to come along and site every single manga or book that I have read. Unless of course I am quoting from it, or using a specific artwork from another artist, that I didn't spend hours drawing. Don't get me wrong. I am completely against plagiarizing, with a passion. However, pointing fingers and jumping into conclusions also isn't the right thing to do, either.
Either way, that anonymous person of the guestbook is right in the fact that I do like Tanemura Arina greatly-- isn't it obvious from the "Tamemura" Asuma and Akagi "Arima" couple? Hehe... Whew... enough with my rant... Anyway, I've always wanted to say these things from before, so I'm glad that the anonymous person brought it up. ^^
i do read all reviews on and the guestbook and all the e-mails, and I've always appreciated fully all the support readers have given me. I wouldn't have made it this far without you all. Oh, and thanks Div for your endless support~ will get around to replying your e-mail soon. ^^ --> my philosophy is that there can never be too much of letting others aware of how they are appreciated. :). so, please be patient readers, as i type away on this rusty old (7-year-old) keyboard!!
do people read this page, anyway? i think i'll summarize my points (which i think i have made before over the years) into an essay format.
-->On a side note, LI SHULIN SKETCH up!!!
7/9... as awful with updates as ever. sorry, none this time. i can't work on the next chapter rite now cuz my stupid keyboard is malfunctiong... when ever i press the space bar, the menu with the decrease/close/move option pops us, and when i press the arrow keys, it creates tabs... plus, i have internship at the newspaper firm... i'm copy editing until 10 PM so it's rather tiring... anyway, solutions to the keyboard problem,anyone? i'm writing this at work rite now... hehe.. i have a sketch of li shulin done, just need to post it up. ^^
6/10... Again, later than anticipated. Long awaited, Chapter 45 finally up!!! Along w/ a Q&A page and a Kai and Meilin fanart... And lots of thanks for updating my fic and info on, Amythyst Beloved. All those who wrote reviews in over the years, I really appreciate them though I'm not able to respond to them personally like I do for e-mails. ^_^. Also, I've updated my Geocities guestbook archives page... Wow... 10 pages of archives, each with 50 entries... that makes 500 reviews~ and 280-ish reviews on, plus the Bravenet guestbook reviews (and not counting personal e-mails.) Anyway, I'm moved beyond tears. >.<. Thank you so much!!!
4/24... Yes, I'm still alive. ^_^... A stressful month of college decisions and research, very little writing. Sigh... And I'm trying to get to the exciting part in New Trials. Thank you all for being so patient and still supporting New Trials. Wish-chan is going through an identity crisis right now, just like Syao-kun.
3.29... Spring vacation started. Expect more updates soon~ Hehe.. Actually, I've had a major writer's block lately. I have all the ideas, just can't put them down in words and organize them. Or, it's what you call senioritis. Hehe...
2/27... Bravenet and Geocities Guestbook both up on the main page. Please sign them~ Haha.. Even though I do get flames. sorry, i've been really slow about answering e-mails lately. (Yes, I was pressured to write faster and faster, anyhow, no time to spend replying.) Oh, and I'm moving houses tomorrow~ Does this matter to anyone. I guess it does, because the little room that I'm writing in has been the haven of all my New Trials ideas, where the entire story was given birth to. Hehe... How sappy. Those who defended me in the guestbook,thank you very much. Understanding people always touch me. ^^.
2/26... Finally, Chapter 44 up!!! And the Li Clan family structure guide, version one. Have many more updates, ie. a Q&A page and an update to the "Couples" page, as well as an awards page and links page coming up this spring.
2/14... HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! >New Valentine's CG up. I really like it-- spent an awful long time on it. I have a CG of Mikai and Miho when they are younger that I did ages ago, also. And Chapter 44 is coming along... Hopefully it'll be up in the next few days...
2/9.. I'm sorry I didn't update in over a month, breaking my word once more. The next chapter is coming along. Part of the reason it's taking so long is because I've been working on a Valentines CG (it takes me longer to color than to write). Not to mention that I had college interviews. Plus, I am a hard working student, friend, daughter, manga reader, TV watcher. I'm also sick, and I have a headache.But it's okay ^^. I am resilient. And I will never give up on New Trials with a cliffhanger. My patient readers know that by now. I will always come back. So please be patient. I know there are many impatient, annoyed, bored, disinterested by now, fans out there. In the beginning, I wrote for my own whim, but now I write for all of you fans out there. And as long as there is one reader out there, I will try my best, until time and resources have run out! So, please be patient till this weekend, as I recover from this cold-- I do read the guestbook and all my e-mails~ Why else would I call them my flesh and blood,water and wine?
1/2/03... Hello! Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I'm still on vacation, so I won't be able to update until I go back home. Maybe the next chapter will be up in a week or two. No guarantees. Thank you to all those who e-mailed me and signed my guestbook. I really appreciated reading all of it!!! And I felt ever so guilty making everyone wait 4 months. Hehe...
12/28... The Yahoo guest book is up again. In case that fills up, here is a new guestbook with (yay~) an unlimited amount of entries, made by Cherry Star~ Thank you so much. When I get back from my trip, I really need to update my site, get the links page working, compile the awards I recieved, and post up the lovely fanart that you guys sent me~ Not to mention get Chapter 44 up.
12/27... CHAPTER 43 UP!!! Belated Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year! Apologies once more for my slowness. Espect more overall updates from now.
12/7... Yes, I'm alive!!! Hehe... Sorry for the long neglect. College apps are finally over and I just have exams left. Hehe... Aiming for straight A's, so... Yes, I have TONS of updates to make. Expect Chapter 43 in the next two weeks or so~ :) Again, sorry for the long wait. Thank thank thank you for all those who e-mailed me and motivated me to continue on. If I haven't e-mailed back, please don't be offended. I've read all your e-mails, but had no time to reply... All those who sent me awards and fanarts and etc., thank you so much.^_^. LONG LIVE CCS! LONG LIVE NEW TRIALS! LONG LIVE WISH-CHAN!!!
8/31... Made a page for the fanarts that talented artists sent me... I'm so touched at their enthusiasm... Sniffles... Fan's Fanart
8/18... School started again, so I'm a lot busier than before... I think starting from winter vacation, I'll be a lot busy though, and will be able to spend more time on NT. Oh, I got two new awards!!! Yay!!!
I hope the next chapter would be up by the end of this month~
8/5... Chapter 42 up!!! Took a lot less than last time, huh? ^_^...
7/31... Star-Crossed kiss fanart up! Two in fact. Plus, another S+S fanart that I really like... Oh, and the next chapters should be up this weekend...
7/20... New Guestbook out!!! Thanks to those who showed their support against some losers who go around dissing other people in their guestbooks. ^_^... I don't mind constructive criticism, complaints, or just plain criticisms. I do mind that there are morons out there who have nothing better to do than go out dissing CCS or other people's sites. Sheesh... They are the ones who REALLY have no lives. It makes me really sad that such people exist. Sorry for the depressing note! No need for anyone else to mind this! It's just than when I get annoyed, I can get very annoyed and sarcastic, (if you guys haven't all ready found out from various character's dialogues in NT.) But actually, I found the two guestbooks very amusing, though I did delete them. It's just one of the experiences that occur as a webmistress...
Currently, I'm working on Chapter 42; sorry the link for the kiss fanart is still broken. I need a scanner!
7/14... CHAPTER 41 OUT!!! Just in case the link doesn't work, you can click here: Chapter 41: Star-Crossed
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SYAORAN!!! In honor of his b-day, I have finally finally finished Chapter 41... Hehe... All I have to do is put it into html format, and it will be up by tomorrow!!! Sorry for taking so long...
7/7... Another award I won... It's so pretty!Thank you Lin Hua....
On a side note, I know Chapter 41 is taking longer than expected, but I'm working hard on it and I'm in the process of editing! So be patient for another week or so! Oh, and Syaoran's b-day is coming up again... 7/13...
6/20... Hehe... I'm finally on vacation. I'm almost finished with Chapter 41, and as usual, it's taking me longer than I thought it would. Hehe... Part or the reason is because I caught the World Cup Fever, so I'm spending more time watching soccer than writing... Well, think about it~ Soccer is our favorite Syaoran's favorite sport! So, watch the World Cup everyone! And in no time, Chapter 41 would be up. I'm going away for vacation, but I hope I'm taking my laptop along with me, so I hope I can still update. I was considering posting up what I have so far, but I think people would rather have a little longer wait and read a polished chapter than one that is not so polished... Oh, and I recieved an award of Devotion from Anime Obsession!!!
Hehe~ I'm so happy~ It's the first award I ever recieved. I don't know who signed me up for it, but whoever it is, thanks~ ^_^ Oh yeah. I have a new e-mail address: My old one still works, but it passed the hotmail account limit or whatever, so I don't recieve all the e-mails sent to it~ Ahh, I HATE junk mails~ I'm hoping that my new account won't recieve any.
5/23.... I'm always apologizing, hehe... Sorry for the delays in updating. Those who have e-mailed me about Chapter 41 not working, actually it isn't up yet... Sorry for the confusion... It'll be up early June at the latest! I juss put up the link because it's easier for me later on, hehe, as someone in the guestbook pointed out... :)... Please wait a little longer and thank your for staying enthusiastic fans of New Trials after such long periods of time!
4/3... APOLOGIES!!! Hehe.. It's been like three or four months since I posted a chapter!!! Thank you thank you thank you for still maintaining interest, and thank you to those people who e-mailed me. I recievd all your e-mails and ardently finished the next chapter! Yup, it's the long waited musical one... Well, part 1 of it, anyway... Hehe... And I have a new fanart up for Star-Crossed... Look at it in the Fanart section!!! Actually, I drew it last summer, but oh well... I swear I won't take this long again!!
Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAKURA!!! (4/1)... Sorry I couldn't get a birthday special up this year... AHH!! I broke my traditon... It's okay. Chapter 40 is my b-day present!!! Hehe...
2/8... Oh no! more than a month since I updated!!! (When I said I'll update in a week!) Hehe.. Anyway, I'm back from this long school trip, so I'll really get Chapter 40 up. Yup, I'm still hard at work on New Trials... (though I have hardly any time to work on it these days.) I'm grateful that people still are interested and e-mail me. OH, and I'll try to get my guestbook up!
1/9... Happy New Year everyone! I'm back from vacation~ hehe... Chapter 40 should be up sometime this week~
12/26... FINALLY two new chapters up... Sorry, didn't have much time to edit.. Going on vacation, tomorrow, that why. Don't wory, I'll be back soon! Err... I didn't edit the New Trials page yet... You can access the chapters through this link. Chapter 38: Identity Crisis and Chapter 39: Impulse. Sorry for the inconvenience... I'll edit the New Trials page later~
12/18... sorry for the long time since i update. FINALLY exams are over.. i'll have the next chapter and the Christmas Chapter up sometime this week!
12/1... Hehe.. finaly fixed the broken link for Kaitou Magician's pic. Thanks for the people who pointed it out to me.. You guys are so much smarter at computer than me.. Haha... I'm working on Chapter 38... People who think I'm lazy, let's see, last week I had Physics Test, 7 Chapters of AP US History Test + essay on the events leading to the Civil War, AP Language and Composition Test, British Literature Macbeth Skit (video-taped), Pre-Calculus Test, Impression project for art, French III Test, you get the idea, plus all the regular homework.. ~_~... and exams are coming up. Thank you to all those who e-mailed me and signed my guestbook... It really keeps me motivated after like 3 years of New Trials... sniffles... I'll continue working hard!
11.16... Sorry! I finally fixed the broken link for Chapter 37 and the CG... Thanks for all those people who e-mailed me and the ones who even bothered to check my source and tell me what's wrong... Sigh... I'm hopeless at computers.... Hmm... My new comp's causing more problems than I thought it would. And also, can anyone tell me where I can download the CCS second movie?
11/9... Geocities exasperates me! Even I can't access my own page sometimes... that's really sad huh? Sorry for the inconvenience, everyone who tries to get to my pages and can't reach it. Try again an hour later. It usually works... But it's not my fault!!! ^_^. Oh, and whoever nominated me for CCS Best Overall fanfic, I'm really grateful... sniffles... I know there are a lot of CCS fanfics out there... thousans of them probably. Hehe.. I'm just happy that someone nominated me. Well, bye for now!
11/9... SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE!!! Finally have chapter 37 up, and a new fanart of Kaitou Magician in his black cloak... check it out! Spents lotsa time on it. Thanks for being so patient! And thanks for everyone who e-mailed me.
10/19... Working on Chapter 37, which will be up probably this weekend or next week at latest. Made an animated banner for anyone who wants to link me. I'll have better banners next time. Got a new computer!!!
10/2... Oh yeah, the guestbook is up again and the archives work now. Thanks for everyone who has signed it so far... Sniffles... I was so touched... Oh, and my main page hit over 20000 times!!! I was so happy~ Yay!!! I should write a special fic for it or something. Maybe I'll do it for the 30,000 hit. And I think the chapters will get more interesting... Haha... And i'm finally getting a new computer!!!
10/1... As I promised, Finaly have Chapter 36 up!!! Ahh, have to do something about the guestbook again. Chapter 37 won't take so long, i think. and have several pictures I scanned up in the summer that I still need to post up, including Tomoyo, Miho, S+S's parents uh.. Eron, Erika, and a CG of KM that I will post up w/ my next chapter.
9/20... SORRY! It's been so long... Well, I apologize.. school started and life was so hectic. I'm almost finished w/ ch 36, and it should be up in a few days. Hmm... I feel guilty. Thanks to everyone who e-mailed me and signed my guestbook! By any chance, if I didn't reply, just e-mail me and tell me that i didn't reply, and i'll definitely try to reply. Ah, I feel guilty that my guestbook filled up faster than I updated. I'll get ch. 36 up soon!
8/31... FINALLY UPDATED!!! Sorry it took so long. Well, I FINALLY have a new layout. Like it? I guess it's pretty similar to the old one. I reused the old format for the intro page. Hehe... Couldn't bear to part with it. I have Chapter 35 of New Trials up!!!
8/9... sorry, didn't add anything. Just telling you I'll be in New York for a few days, so I won't be able to update until like next week, probably. Things I have to do is get the next chapter of New Trials up, more fanart, uh, a new guestbook (thanks to those who told me it was full), get my links page up, and put up Sora-chan's banner for me, update the S+S love story page... uh, did I miss anything? Please be patient! Thanks for waiting!
7/29 (i think...) Finally got Syaoran's story up!!! he he.. and added a whole bunch of pics~
7/err dunno the date, it's monday... Sorry for the delay in update... still didn't finish writing. some times this week, i'll have the syaoran's special and some fanart up. Thanks for being patient...
7/13... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SYAORAN!!! Syaoran's special page is up. Have fanarts up there. Sorry, his special b-day story will be delayed a few days. But still, check out Syaoran's special page. I took some pains to access a scanner. He he... Ooh, it's friday the thirteenth.
6/30... Chapters 33, 34, and Special Story 3 up!!! Will be going away in a few days on a trip~ but don't worry, I'll have computer and internet access. ^_^. Oh and those of you who want to link me (I'm really glad if people do~,) I'll try to make a banner in the next couple of weeks... Gosh, I'm so busy. :( Oh, and I adopted Yuuhi!
6/21... Once more, apologies because the update took so long... Chapter 32 and Special Chapter: The Twin's Legacy are up!!!
6/6... SORRY!!! Long time since an update, ne? It's because I had final exams... You know... School. ^^... Chapter 31 is up and 32 is coming along... Rough sketches of Kaitou Magician are up, and I need to upload a few other pics... Thank you for everyone who has e-mailed me in the past month... Sorry for the late reply, but I'll try to reply everyone, now that it's almost vacation!!! But really, feedbacks the only thing that keeps me going!!! : )
5/4... Chapter 30 up!!!
4/13 AHHH!!! It's Friday the 13th!!! ^_^... Anyway, Chapters 28 and 29 are finally up!!!! Sorry took so long.(It took a week longer than I anticipated.) Again, thanks to anyone who ever comments on my works. It really keeps me writing!!! ^_^... Oh yeah. I realized more people link directly to my New Trials Page... He he... Maybe I should just put a counter there...
4/1 Back from Beijing trip!!! Working on next few chapters! New Trials Special: Sakura's Birthday is up, in dedication to our favorite heroine's birthday. He he... wrote it today, too, so it's not that good. (I just realized today that it was April's Fool Day.)
Oh yeah, I appreciate everyone who's told me their couple preferences. Continue to do so! I wanna hear from EVERYONE!!! I'm also still working on the couples page. Hmm... there's this anime/manga I used to love when I was really little. It's called "Honoo no Alpen Rose," and the setting is like during World War 1. Probably no on has ever heard of it, but please, anyone who knows where I can find info on it, tell me.
Sorry to everyone who e-mailed me and hasn't recieved an answer yet... I was REEAAAAAALLY busy... But I really appreciate and thank you, and will get to replying you all next week. ^_^
3/16 New Trials 25-27!!! And watercolor S+S fanart. Oh yeah... and I will appreciate anyone who would tell me good CCS image gallery sites, MP3 downloads, or movie and episode downloads... Thank you.
3/3 New Trials chapters 23-24 up!!! Will scan up colored fan art. Made a banner for peopel to link me with. Will upload next time.
Got the CCS Couples page up under the "love story" page. I'm working on next few chapters of CCS. Got the "Realizations" page updated a little. and changed the fanfic page name to "River." Okay, wait for more soon!!! ^_^ *Wish*